
Showing posts from February, 2018
Dear Families, I hope everyone enjoyed their Family Day weekend!  Can you believe it's been 10 years since this has been implemented?  I'm so happy we recognize and celebrate this as family is of utmost importance to me as I am sure it is to you as well!    PINK SHIRT DAY: Today was dedicated to promoting and acknowledging  Bullying Prevention !  This is an issue that is near and dear to my heart and as your child's teacher, I am reinforcing the importance of creating, building upon, and maintaining happy hearts in and out of our classroom.  Our Community of Learners Agreements help guide us every day  - Attentive Listening, Mutual Respect, NO PUT DOWNS, Right to Participate, Right to Pass .  We regularly refer to these agreements as a reminder for us all to treat our peers, friends, and family with kindness, dignity, and respect.  I feel this will help in creating a happy, safe, and caring world.  I believe in all my students and their abilities t
Dear Families, I hope you have an enjoyable Family LONG Weekend!  It will  be amazing to have that ‘extra’ day off on Monday to spend quality time with all your loved ones.  I do my best to appreciate and value my time off with those that I care deeply about.   Here are some of the activities that I hope to get up to with my family and friends - go out for dinner at one of my favourite restaurants in Collingwood, hike through the woods, drink delicious lattes by the fireplace, and get in as much relaxation as possible.   Being a big sports fan, I’ll also be tuning into the Olympics and the NBA All-Star weekend.   Wishing you all a tremendous weekend too with your family! Science: Another FUN week of science!  I love seeing students taking their enthusiasm for learning something in class, and then applying it at home.  This is exactly what Carson and Alex did!  Carson built two structures at home and then shared them in class.  We talked about the difference between a strong